Tuesday, 12 September 2017

About me and my anxiety..

Hi everyone and welcome back to another blog post! This one is going to be a bit more on the serious side. I'm going to be writing about my anxiety- how it started, what I get anxious about, how it's changed my life and how I deal with it!

How it all started-

I've never known the true cause of my anxiety. All I can remember is one night in 2015 I was on a metro (kind of like the tube in London) coming back from a concert. I started to feel really sick and panicky. A few days later I started to experience panic attacks which are, in my opinion, the worst things ever. I went to the doctors about it and I got diagnosed with Anxiety and Panic disorder. It used to be so bad that I wouldn't be able to leave my room without being so anxious. This all happened as I was about to start my last year of secondary school (year 11). As you can imagine, it had a very bad impact on me and things such as my GCSE results.

2 years later and I'm still not 'cured' or anywhere close to being. However, I have had such a change in mindset and decided that I will not let it beat me. I will not let the bad thoughts that invade my head constantly take over the positive ones. Do I still have bad days? Yes, regularly. But I am so much better at dealing with this now! I am on medication for my anxiety but to be completely honest I don't think this helps me at all. I deal with my anxiety by doing calming things such as listening to music, concentrating on my breathing, taking a bubble bath, pr just talking to someone about what I'm anxious about etc. Of course these things don't always work but they do help to bring back the positive mindset- or they do for me! 

Right now it's 2017 and there are still many things I'm anxious about. For example, I find it very hard to go in shops which is such a shame for me seen as shopping used to be my most favourite thing! If anyone has any advice on how to overcome this I would be more than grateful. I'm also finding it very hard to get a job that I feel comfortable with as I hate busy, fast paced environments!

Anxiety is one of the most cruel things I have ever had to experience in my life and I wouldn't wish it upon anybody. 

If anyone has any advice for me, or even wants some more advice from me, please feel free to comment below!

- Amy x


  1. Thanks for the honest post about anxiety! Like you; my anxiety came out of nowhere. Happened when I was in the 9th grade and hasn't left since. I find medication more helpful than breathing exercises and meditation, but everyone works differently! Like you, it was hard to find a job I was comfortable with. Interviews may as well be a visit to hell. I could keep rambling, but thanks for the post and sharing your experiences!

    1. Thanks for reading! I hope you are okay and find a way to overcome it fully! x

  2. Hey Amy,

    Thank you for sharing!

    They (the mental professionals) say that exam time, can take a toll on your mental health. It seems like something on your way home triggered your anxiety, I'm not sure if you go to therapy already or have considered therapy, which could be helpful? Depending on the type of therapy you pick and therapist. (I'm a little bias here, since I'm training to be one, *covers face*)

    In terms of struggling to go out, maybe you could bring a trusted friend along, maybe a pet (if you have a pet).



    1. Thanks so much! Have tried therapy in the past but will consider trying again x
